CCC Seal

Sometimes, we tell people what we do and they look at us like a calf at a new gate. At other times, there is a sparkle in their eye and an immediate connection that transcends the political and cultural expectations of our day. However brief the exchange, it is always encouraging.

When it happens, we know we share the reality of a substance the Bible calls faith. It’s strong, deep, and comprehensive. This faith cannot be checked at the church door, but is applied in every area of life and thought. We may experience this connection with a client within our industry or with another business owner faithfully serving in their respective corner of the marketplace. It means we have encountered an ally equally engaged in obeying the gospel.

As Christians, we are all called to faithfully serve Christ, seeking first his kingdom and righteousness. We do not walk in synchronized steps, but must look to navigate our days in terms of what God says is true and His call on our lives. Venue 1848 exists to invest in the integrity of the family and celebrate its milestones. We do business with purpose and when you book with us, you are not “just” renting a space.  You help provide personal mentoring, education, skills development, and entrepreneurial opportunities locally and abroad. 

We now carry the Christian Consumer Certified (CCC) seal for potential clients and other business owners looking to make faith-informed decisions in the marketplace.  CCC is advocating for Christian businesses, connecting Christian businesses and consumers, and helping consumers identify products and service providers that do not conflict with Christian values. Visit their website for more information: Christian Consumer Certified.

Let us be found faithful!

In His service and with kind regards,

Don & Nancy

W I L K.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
— Matthew 6:33